Why Evangelicals Forgot God Podcast Collin Hansen interviews Mark Galli for The Gospel Coalition
It might be my greatest fear. What if I’m so busy in evangelical activity that I forget Jesus Christ and the purpose behind it all? What if I’m just spinning up religious projects covered in religious language, but there’s no Spirit behind these works?
Mark Galli thinks we have an evangelical crisis. And if Mark Galli says so, we’d be wise to listen. Galli serves as editor in chief of Christianity Today (CT) magazine. I was blessed to work for him in my stint as associate editor for CT. Galli has been documenting his view of this crisis in his CT column The Elusive Presence.
Galli wisely points out that evangelicals are experts in self-criticism, so you need to take this diagnosis of crisis with a grain of salt. But I think he’s spot on when he writes, “I’ve believed that American Christianity has been less and less interested in God as such, and more and more at doing good things for God.”
If desiring God is the sum and substance of life, as Galli points out, then this crisis couldn’t be cured with a thousand sermons on how to have a better marriage or job or bigger bank account. We’ve lost our way because we’ve shifted from the vertical axis with God toward to the horizontal axis of this world.